Blog 1: The 5 Best News Sources

 5 best news sources

With social media and the internet, we can access anything with the click of a button. Finding new sources that are reliable and give you accurate and correct information can be tough but I am here to give you my favorite platforms to get your news from and what you can trust (hopefully)! 

  1. Twitter: Starting off with my favorite place to catch up on news is Twitter. Many can argue twitter can be unreliable, however, I think it is a great place to catch the news before it hits mainstream websites. Twitter is extremely quick with getting news out there which is why I love the app. I enjoy reading the comments and threads to see others' opinions and if they agree with my thoughts on the latest news. For example, I am a big fan of The Bachelor franchise shows so after each episode I love to go on Twitter and look at the thread for the latest episode and see what people are writing. Twitter is also great because of the search page. There is not only a "for you" section which I love because it shows me news I would be interested in but there is the news from the previous night, as well as trending news, news about music, COVID-19, sports, entertainment and so much more. Twitter caters to everyone and is easily accessible which is great for college students like me who are not able to drop a ton of money a month on news subscriptions. Again, Twitter is not the most reliable source that I use, it is definitely more of a tool I use to connect the real or fake news sources that I find and to see the latest of what is happening. 

Vouge: Another favorite of mine is Vouge, this may not be a news outlet that talks about politics, however; Vogue covers the latest fashion news, beauty, celebrity style, fashion week updates, and more. As someone who has always loved fashion and beauty Vouge is a regular site I look on so I can see the latest news on all things fashion. Especially during fashion week, it's a great website to keep up with what is going on at all the different locations fashion week is held. I also love how many different topics Vouge will discuss and the high-quality pictures they have on the articles. These photos are usually hard to find elsewhere and I think they do a great job at the visual aspect. Vouge is very art-centered and they are an iconic magazine company that does a great job connecting to the audience. One of the things I look forward to is the monthly issues, it is always exciting to see the cover and who is on it. I feel they are very empowering when it comes to women on the issues. My favorite issue was with Harry Styles in December 2020. This was a very controversial cover because of the fact that he was wearing a dress (which I think is ridiculous) but he owned it and I love what not only Vouge did with the issue but the message that the magazine cover showed and how they were trying to break societies norms. Harry definitely deserves more credit when it comes to things like that. 

3. The New York Times: Now time for the more reliable sources I like to use. Anytime I need a reliable new source with current news I go to The New York Times. Being one of the top newspaper websites, and having 8 million subscribers,  I love to look there when I need information on current news, or if I need reliable articles for homework assignments it is my go-to website. Like Vouge, there are many topics covered on this website like world news, U.S, politics, business, tech, science, health and so much more. It is important not only to be looking at US news but what is going on internationally. I use New York Times to keep up with what is going on currently all over the world. Especially now that I am able to vote, I think it is important to have valid and useful information on US politics. They also have special offers where unlimited access is $1 a week compared to $4.25. The subscriptions are much cheaper than some other magazine subscriptions. Tt is a great deal for students so you aren't breaking the bank but you are still getting important information. 

Youtube: Latest News, Youtube Videos & Photos

4.  Youtube: Youtube is not only a great platform for watching your favorite content creators or tutorials but to catching up on the latest news. An interesting fact I read is that "a large percentage of Americans also rely on YouTube for news." This is not shocking because of how great youtube is and how they so many different channels that cover news that a lot of the mainstream channels like CNN or FOX NEWS do not cover. For example, I relied on youtube to keep up with the Brian Laundire case to see the more in-depth details I would have missed on mainstream channels. Youtube also has so many creators and platforms posting videos that you can find anything on there. This is a great way to see what different people are saying about a preferred topic. I also prefer youtube sometimes because if I am looking to listen/watch something rather than read it I can turn to youtube and watch the video while getting ready for the day or driving in the car. 

CNN - Wikipedia

5. CNN: When it comes to CNN I at times become iffy. It is a source that I do not use too often but occasionally if I am looking to compare what news I am reading on something like the New York Times I will go to CNN. They are great because they also update on the latest news. If I need updates on the weather, entertainment, world, or US news I can look at CNN. Where I become confused with news channels like CNN and FOX is that I believe they can be biased when it comes to politics and other topics so I prefer to use platforms that don't focus on one party versus the other. This is where I believe false or fake news can come into play and I think it's important to not rely on just one platform when reading about the latest news. It is known that CNN is for democrats while FOX is for republicans and being independent I try to look at everything but I am not a huge fan of how one-sided these sites have become. Finally, if I am lazy to read it is nice to know that CNN has the channel that I can turn on to watch rather then relying on articles. 


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