Blog 11: Living in the Age of AI

Artificial intelligence is changing the face of science and how we live our lives every single day. The world is constantly changing and with AI on the rise, it has opened doors to opportunities we have never had before. AI is defined as "a branch of computer science that develops machine systems capable of demonstrating behaviors linked to human intelligence." These advanced systems take large sets of data in order to find patterns that then help them understand how humans work. As I was watching In The Age of AI in class, I was able to see the positives and negatives of what our future is going to look like with AI.

It was interesting to see that China is expected to lead the world by 2030 and catch up with the US by 2025 when it comes to technology. We are currently in a race to see who can accomplish the impossible first. Today, China leads the world in eCommerce and they are advancing extremely fast when it comes to AI because of all the young and coming engineers they are hiring. However, it was really frightening to see how advanced China was with some things. For example, they have facial recognition that is so advanced if it cant identify your face, it can describe you and estimate your age. They have replaced most cashiers with machines and the currency they use to pay is facial recognition! How insane is that? All of China's data goes into a server and they are able to penalize people for a low credit score so that they can not use public transportation and they can reward you for a high credit score. I do see where this can be positive because it helps the people to have a good credit score; however, it seems scary that they can control us with things like a credit score. Something else alarming in the film was that AI will take white color jobs more than blue color jobs because these jobs will now be able to be completed by AI and software.

With all of this frightening information also came some amazing breakthroughs that I found fascinating. One thing, in particular, was that AI can change the face of breast cancer which causes about 400,000 women to die a year. If they are able to find cancer earlier enough, they can cure it without destroying a woman's body. They do this through computer reading data and charts. The computer is able to predict cancer early enough through scans that take thousands of pictures and look at the patterns of pixels to predict if there are cancer cells. This machine learning can also predict if a woman will need surgery or if it can be avoided. Another point they made in the film that could be lifesaving is self-driving cars. All car accidents are human-caused and you can eliminate these fatalities if you remove the driver. It is predicted that in the next few years we will see cars with no drivers at all. Not only this but you can cut the cost in half of transporting products through truck drivers with self-driving because there is no time limitation on how long the truck can drive. In terms of the jobs that would be lost to AI, it made me feel better that if u go back 30 years, 50% of those jobs are gone by today too and this pattern occurs throughout generations. The jobs being replaced can just create a new set of jobs that will then be replaced in years to come because it is a cycle.

Overall, this technology is groundbreaking and although it is extremely scary that the world is being taken over by this technology, it is able to do some incredible work that will progress us in ways we would not have been able to do before. I think it is positive for our society as well as a negative. As long as we use it in a way that is not dangerous or used against people incorrectly we can be a successful society. Large corporations and our government who are using this AI need to be honest with us in order to avoid caious but I am excited and scared to see what our future will look like with AI. 


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